Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Easy Chicken Stock - Roasted Chicken Part 2


I have been reminded that I never did circle around to write about taking the roast chicken carcass and turning it into delicious and cheap stock. So here it is.  Also, if when you are cooking and you end up with chicken bones or small bits of chicken, I just throw them in a bag and freeze them for when I make stock.

1 roasted chicken carcass (Also any leftover chicken bones that you may have frozen)

Break up the carcass. Add any leftover bones or drippings scraped from the roasting pan, into a large stock pot, large enough to hold chicken and water to cover.

1 large onion, peeled and cut in half
2 carrots
2 bay leaves
if you have any fresh herbs such as parsley or thyme, they can be added as well
1 bouillon cube (I know that some people may not like this, but I usually add just one cube)

Add the above ingredients to the pot and add water to cover. Bring just to boiling and lower temperature to low, so that the water is hot, but not enough to boil. Skim the gunky stuff that forms on the surface. Cook for at least 2 hours and as long as 4. Add water if necessary. Adjust to taste with salt and pepper.

Strain the stock through a strainer. I usually divide the stock into small containers and freeze. It's great to have stock on hand for soup.

Hope you can stock up on stock! (sorry for the pun)


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